Thursday, August 9, 2012


(Above is a painting I created for one of my sisters. She had taken a photo of a calf on her farm. I painted this from her photo and had a little fun with the calf's coloring.)

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog about GRACE in a construction zone. I guess I sort of unofficially challenged you to try to extend grace to others. I'm wondering how that's going for you?

Today I was driving home in traffic in that same construction zone. I am proud to say that I let not one, not two, not three, not four but FIVE people in line ahead of me....the people who sped ahead of all the others in line behind me to beat them out to get a primo spot at the head of the line. (I should mention that I also came that way a few days ago and let two people in ahead of me.) I'm not telling you that I've done this to toot my own horn; rather, to be accountable and do something that I know God was asking me to do.

Anyway, I found it interesting that as I let in two people at once, the guy behind me blared on his horn. Now, maybe he was just honking to the tune of a song or honking at some friends, or maybe he was irritated that I was letting two people cut. I'm not sure. But it occurred to me....if he was irritated at my offer of grace, isn't that just like us? We might see others or even God extending grace to someone who we deem inappropriate to receive it and we blare on our horn and get irritated. I have been that guy behind me who blared on the horn. Well, maybe I didn't blare my horn but I sure have wanted to at people who were "undeserving" of grace.

And then I also noticed that one of the people I let in front of me actually pulled halfway over so that their car was taking up a little bit of both lanes making it impossible for anyone to pass. So although this person was offered grace, they did not want to extend it to others.

Sad to say, I have been that person too.

Anyway, I would love to hear your comments on this if any of you tried to extend some grace. You can post them on here or email me at

In the meantime....."Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:2 NAS

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